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At every Tickbird&Rhino event there are so many conversations taking place and great ideas being shared that it would be nearly impossible for us cover everything that happens.  


But we also think that telling the story of our experiences is important, and the unique way in which we tell them is just as important as the stories themselves. 


The poet Paul Taylor is a regular attendee of our events and since he's a master at capturing the mood of a room in words, we thought we'd offer you an alternative view of what happens when a Tickbird&Rhino crowd gathers together.


Below you'll find a selection of Paul's poems that have been inspired by our lively events.


Along with poetry, Paul is also a jazz trombonist and he's got a lot of great things going on, so if you'd like to find out more  about him, his poetry and his performance, visit his site:


Memory And Aphantasia

The Devereux Pub, London

Nov 18, 2024





there they wait
layered and compressed
like flowers in a book

stacked in a suitcase
all the pictures
that cannot come to mind

that must be seen
to be re-lived
that re-ignite Persian summers

the perfumes of love
the warmth of Mum
the chimes of kitchen chat

the large print
laid like a mat
in the gentle garden

photographic longing
layers of seeds and writing
shawling her image

choosing what to see
learning how to look
feeling home again

relating and reframing
the lost and found
in the dark room of her memory.

Paul Taylor 2024



Sounds From The Nightshade Family

The Devereux Pub, London

Oct 22, 2024





new species of biophilia
transcribing trees
in lieu of a hug

trunk stab lullabies
xylem ventriloquy
in atonal recital

adaptogenic listening
to leaf wave mood music
encultured into holy tinkle

five-petal formalism
casting mandrake spells
with the Devil's Trumpet

jimson weed delirium
carnatic manoeuvres under
bioelectric fall sensors

hallucinating healing
from organic harmonies
of goatskin and catgut

Madagascan periwinkles ask
do aubergines dream
of electric people?

Green Onions poke
through the floor
from the bar below.

Paul Taylor 2024



Acrobatics Meets the Quantum World

The Devereux Pub, London

May 21, 2024





red and blue lasers
ping and shimmer
through disorderly glass
electrons liberated
to propagate

filigree harps and scapulas
flicker and weave
caustic junctions
holographing the pub ceiling
with elementary catastrophes
a triangulate cobweb spider
invited to run
Blackpool Illuminations

omega thigh legwork
spin and momenta
the slow rotation
of available observables
hardwork handstands
imported to mathematical software
determinations of inverted acrobat
aloft on a column of arm

motion recognizer
deciding to freeze
after bleeped out
glitch thud glut beat
electronica replaced
trad big top music
clowns hidden deep
inside resolutely closed
square brackets

then Isadora volatility
flings her equations
across the screen
contemporary dance calculus
perhaps for giraffes
the only non-swimming mammals
bouncing voronoi across the pool
when Isadora not adorée

bitter pint enlightenments
wine glass caustics
recalling the days
when catastrophe theory
caught the limelight
striving now
for that all-too-brief
moment of recognition
in attosecond science.

Paul Taylor 2024



Experiments in Sonic Life Writing

The Horse Hospital, London

March 19, 2024





here we sit then
in a twilight corner
primed and prompted
by posters and vitrines
Albert Hall of fame
Ginsberg memorabilia
though not nudged
to parade naked
such a thing being
according to disgruntled Beatles
not done in front of the birds

sitting in darkness
in the old horse hospital
hoping to hear the right message
contemplating apoptosis
at ten million cell deaths per second
phagocytes tuning in to
find me and eat me signalling
death ligands and falling blebs
on the extrinsic death receptor pathway

tickled pink with cancer cartoonery
Krankenhausfunk hospital radiation
drip feed speech
desert ailing discs
sonic minings and undermoanings
gayatri mantra blinking at
Ginsberg's Kodak mantra

oncology gardening
physicked by botany
leaf-wound bootlegs
plant rhythm sections
transcribed bio-electrics
for wound-healing audio
sonification of the spud's
poke me and eat me signalling
musical migrations with
the Madagascan pink periwinkle
being electrical
being soothed.


Paul Taylor 2024



Anticipating the future through AI

The Devereux Pub, London

January 23, 2024





tumbled into it
staring into the vid
bereft of frames
like old Teddy West's biology class
as he silently chalks a diagram
and we meekly sketch
for no good reason
a map of the college plumbing

what do we have here
the artifices of indulgence
intertriggerings of digerati
scatter flutter ensembles
haemorrhoidal polaroids
45 degree tumbleweed
videos like failed dreams
the architecture of nausea

luckily we are joined
by Bia the dog
hot on the trail
of digital footprints
ears pricking
as bird calls dance in data sets
lamenting in latent space
with ghostly signalling

we try to focus
feeling very diffracted
then up pops Bruno Latour
a temporal artefact
if ever there was one
while under the table
Bia mumbles something
gives me a nudge

giving thanks
for the unknown provenance
of unknown providence
we chew over a rhizome
fuelling our flexing
of infovasculature
overcoming lossy compression
with recursive processing

we contemplate
implied consent
promptly engineered with
implied contempt
read the farcebook phrasebook
move fast and break things
a slogan well-received
Bia's tail a blur.


Paul Taylor 2024


TASTING TYPE: Adventures in Perception

The Devereux Pub, London

November 27th, 2023





a chilly Monday evening
loping through lawyerland
tracking down
The Ampersand Arms
where eager ascenders
would find a bookless book club
set up as a fontfest
a typosensorium
betwixt the temples

here we would discover
if our experience
would be congruent
with our anticipation

as the slides duly showed
enabling font ratings
and type rightings
we strived to distinguish
implied limbic meaning from
implied social meaning
while the dingbats below us
pounded a pub quiz

through the floorboards
further enabling us
to judge a pub by its signs
of impaired social meaning

tabulating the superadditivity
of shop-front semiotics
and the marginal gains
of Lord Font-le-roi
we absorbed the cranking alignments
of outspoken characters

putting a boldface on it
I ventured to point out
that claims of constructed realities

were not justified
and might even
in this old Grecian Coffee House
be greeking

it seemed doubtful too
that Sapir and Whorf
merited a raised cap
but the dim remains
of a drawn-out pint
were raised for Erving Goffman
before we headed off
to face the codes.


Paul Taylor 2023



The Horse Hospital

October 23rd, 2019





across the cobbles

we slip out of rain

descending the ramp

by invitation

into the old horse hospital


by invitation

a virus enters a computer

a virus entails a computation

sounding out its own designs


bleak waves hover and waver

over the rumble of RNA gongs

as we sit in darkness

pondering the sound trails

for cellular disruption

unfolding and ramifying

in an endless knell

tendrils of trouble

winding out in steel pan demonium


in snapshots along the lines

of ordered elements

in this organic system

we may try to predict variations

as we sit in darkness

feel a frown become a smile

a fidget become scribble

a stoop turn into a sip

focus mutate into daydreams


at any location

along the sequence

this may turn into that

timeline positions

shuffle spatial relations

our internal melodies

beating against noise

seeking solace in the tree of life

from Brazilian flu.


Paul Taylor 2019



The Gladstone Arms

June 10th, 2019





as the light dimmed

we saw them

simulating body tissue

spinning protons

calibrating voxels

murdering ants on the doorstep



levitating balls of chrome

secreting pineapple slices

in Archimedean solids

of paraffin wax


in the early phase

of sticky darkening

sugariness and degradation

we remained moulded in

plastic denial syndrome


decoupling from fossil feedstocks

as the ethanol kicked in

we were soon seeing triple


aloft in a Boeing Dreamliner

worth half its weight in plastic

we enjoy

a vinegar whiff

of foam crumble

in coconut oil


resplendent in cellulose nitrate

we recycle Cunard crockery

for deep sea dining

on fish outnumbered

by their own plastic ghosts


there in the museum

there in some unfathomable

double bond formation


Bendy Bunny Benjy

in his tailored suit

declines in a yellowing blow chair

his oxidized ear footloose

in plasticizer migration


unsettled by the twirling

casein knitting needles

of Larry the Lamb

ruing the bright lights of showbiz

warping and cracking

in delambination


and so we shape up

to polymerize our solidarities

for the multidimensional printing of

a cyclic economy

cartoon idealizations

a cyclic economy

fairphone mobilizations

a cyclic economy

the right to repair

a cyclic economy.


Paul Taylor 2019



The Gladstone Arms

November 3rd, 2018





upstairs at The Glad
shuffling into a little room
at the last minute
for a colloquy on complexity
we learn that
we are self-organized
into a super-confined space
and relieved to find seats
though we are unable
from the front row
to detect at this gathering
any coupling in compound systems
at the back there

as we ponder
the physics of failure
pints are plonked
next to a magic box
projecting the past
onto the wall

adjusting our focus as we go
we reel
from exploding spaceships
to the mysterious diffusion
of horse meat
across a bewildered Europe
where herded boffins
saddled with responsibility
parade box files of expertise
along a horse-shoe table

plagued by politics
and the choke-holds of commerce
our systems raise alarm

averse to dirt & dexterity
our de-skilled fingers
flit & fumble
on touch-screen toys

future generations
good luck permitting
may look back fondly
on the flightless hordes
ploughing runways for runner beans

or the Russian bikers
testing to destruction
the just-in-time system
losing to beta particles
on a chase through Chernobyl

what is it we need?
resilience & diligence
fail-safes & futured thinking
to re-cognize
the meaning of mistakes
the errors of our ways

unsure of science any more
the tickbird wonders
if she's backing the wrong horse

our answer must be
a wry no.


Paul Taylor 2018



The Islington Townhouse

June 1st, 2018




For Dr Giles Camplin


the pub a box of cackle

and canned music

our eyes roll skyward

our bubbles of speech

turn to balloons

I wonder out loud

about a forgotten firm

would-be airship freighters

at the turn of the century


the new face and old hand

knows first-hand

elucidates a Teutonic tale

of buoyancy & defeat

a project making Fuller fly again

sponsoring Your Private Sky

a conference for all of us

flying the flag

for Buckminster Fuller


decades of designs

geometrical journeyings

the poetry of form

the formation of livingry

technics & synergetics

summarized & annotated

celebrated there & then

by the late great Steve Lacy

on soprano saxophone


and so we rose above it all

with dirigibles

with cloud structures

till the time came

to drift away.


Paul Taylor 2018



The Wheatsheaf

April 16, 2018





Sarah Christie shares
the fruits of research

Professor Lemon says
ten times more data flows
from hand to brain
than heads from skull to fist
how do we feel about that?

from Thomas Couture
a picture of ill-health
Harlequin wails at the wall
Pierrot lies ill in bed
the good doctor
blinded by science
absently takes his pulse
the charlady stoops
but not to concur
as he stares blankly at the empties
ignoring the lobster

Sarah's doctors slow down sight
drawing conclusions from palpable pappules
feeling their way to ceramic sensibilities
in a bag of darkness
being patiently observant
being patiently

Jag Minhas journeyed
all the way from astrophysics
offering black-boxed visions
of the squared smile

with the inane rictuses of celebrities
his neural networks
aggregate our grins
charting happy space
a building being
as Corbusier didn't say
a machine for laughing in

bowing to beams
the wit chief presides

red box tick box
touchy issues
leaded windows
loaded wonders
retail beach head
resting bitch face
valence & arousal
the tenderness of robots

taking the family out
on a driverless drive
is that my Mum in a Packard?
and is she pleased to see me?

how your big smiley face
can get stuffed
at a big mac kiosk
with no side order of shame

meanwhile the motion detector
shows Dad sloping off
destination clocked
by a potion detector

the tickbird has heard enough
there sits the rhino in the room
ignoring the lobster.


Paul Taylor 2018



The Islington Townhouse

Friday, March 09, 2018





engaging with the engaging
tapping creativities
we tunnel through noise
conversations paired and impaired
by compulsory muzak
Andrea? Angela?
Chinese whispers
without the whispering

is medical practice
enhanced by pottering?
Jenny? Genghis?
scattering references
Sinking Fast In Snow
Thinking Faster, Sloth
The Inner Game of Tennyson
The Tipping Pint

money talk
with the man raising funds
Arthur? Athol?
for the British Art Foundation
fighting the pain and misery
we and our families endure
when it plays up
when it fails.

Paul Taylor 2018


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